Anti VR Sickness Pack


What is AVRS?

Anti VR Sickness Pack (AVRS) is a set of utilities aiming to reduce the virtual reality sickness. Due to the variety of negative effects and each person's individual susceptibility to them, we have included a set of countermeasures, each using a different approach to the problem.

How to use AVRS?

To start using AVRS, simply add AVRS prefab to your scene and choose which method you would like to include in your project.


FPS increase

Low frame rate is one the main causes of VR Sickness. We've included our AutoQualityChooser package in AVRS package, so you can use it to improve the FPS in your project.

You can find more details about this feature and how to use it here.

Dynamic Field of View

It has been proven that deacreasing the field of view tends to decrease the negative effects of moving user in virtual reality. We are adjusting the FOV dynamically, basing on the current speed of the user.

You can find more details about this feature and how to use it here.

Long Exposure Prevention

Longer VR sessions may increase the effects of VR sickness symptoms. You can add a warning popup for your users, to them to take a break.

You can find more details about this feature and how to use it here.